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In April 2017, as a direct result of consulting with over 3000 young people in the Nelson Tasman Marlborough area and holding several community meetings, the Youth Health and Wellbeing Trust was formed.

In consultation with Te Piki Oranga, young people and the Board of Trustees the name Whanake (Youth) was chosen.

Whanake Youth offers a non-judgmental space for local rangatahi to nurture and develop their health and wellbeing. Supported by us, a team of friendly healthcare professionals, their lives experience positive change.

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WHANAKE means to rise up to the sky, 
to move onwards, to spring up, 
develop and to grow...

Our goal is to raise the quality of care for young people across our region. We do this by providing a safe & inspiring space with youth focused holistic healthcare and advise services from knowledgeable, trained professionals who care. 

Charitable Trust Details:

Youth Health and Wellbeing Trust

NZBN 9429046052490

Date of Incorporation 31-Mar-2017

Charities Services Registration Number CC55467

Bank Account ANZ 06-0958-0239677-01


To empower rangatahi to participate and lead their journey from adolescence to adulthood with the support of community and whanau.


Every young person has the opportunity to realise their potential


Whanaungatanga (I am connected)

Manaakitanga (I am valued)

Aroha (I matter)

Ngākau whakaute (Respect)

Whakahoa (Partnership)

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